While DW by Kanye West gave many of you “life,” it seems to have had the opposite effect on fashion’s toughest critics. in a review for The Wall Street Journal titled “Good Thing Kanye West Has a Day Job,” (ouch!) Christina Brinkley said of one look: “The only thing more painful than witnessing the dress was watching the model pitch down the runway in shoes so ill-fitting that her spike heels were bending at angles. ‘I feel sorry.
Why not take that look out?’ asked one cringing magazine editor.” and “a vast quantity of luxury materials can’t blind people to a lack of creative marksmanship. There’s something about fashion design that makes untrained people think they can do it, too.” Yikes. But if we know anything about Yeezy, he’ll be sure to push his product, and I warrant we’ll see some of his pieces on a few celebs. I mean, he did sell 808′s and Heartbreak.Continue ... WSJ