I feel really bad about all the horrible comments that i have been seeing on so many sites against actor, Jim Iyke, since his recent unfortunate incident came to light. Jim has practically been castigated by the "Office Of ITK Public Opinion". If you were not there and did not witness the said allegations take place, then why are you being so quick to judge? Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?
Seriously, i think Jim Iyke is greatly misunderstood and people should just give the guy a break. Jim is brutally honest and has admitted publicly that he has anger issues and revealed that he was attending Anger Management Sessions, which he finds therapeutic.
His exact words: "I will not disrespect you by lying about the fact that I do get into one or two brushes with people here and there. I will not give any excuse that I have never been that kind of person. I am taking a Anger Management Session now, it was advised not only by my fiancée, but also by my agent. It is a very interesting session for my well being. One thing about our society is that we have not accepted celebrities with their whims and caprices. An actor is allowed to be eccentric. There is a thin line between the person you see on stage and the real actor. A lot of people do not understand that." This statement moved me to tears. For a top celebrity like himself to come out and admit that hey, i'm not perfect and i'm taking steps to deal with my imperfections, Jim has to be commended and respected. At least he doesn't pretend to be what he's not.
I can honestly tell you as well, that contrary to popular belief, Jim Iyke is actually not arrogant; rather he is confident and his aura exudes this. People misconstrue his confidence as arrogance. And regarding his anger issues, from my experience dealing with friends that have similar problems, these people do not talk a lot. When they are attacked, bullied and judged (generally by people who do not know them), they try to ignore it at first, but when the jibes keep going on and on and on, the pent-up anger welled up inside them will eventually snap! This is the reason why Jim may appear rude when he confronts his critics on Twitter or in interviews.
Please people, i implore you, do not take delight in kicking a man when he is down. I am sure that a lot of us have been in different unfortunate situations before God lifted us back up. This is just a temporary glitch for Jim, he will definitely rise again. Celebrities are human beings like the rest of us and just like us, they also need love and support. Jim may be a tough cookie, but he does have feelings and is obviously hurt by all this. This is a man that has put his hand up and publicly acknowledged his imperfections. Am i the only one who sees this as a cry for help? This is a guy that has delighted and entertained us on screen for years and now he needs our support; so ask yourselves this question honestly and let your conscience guide you: "Am i going to stand by Jim or will i keep judging him"? I rest my case.
God bless.