Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CORRIE factory boss Carla Connor will try to kill herself - days after being raped by fiance Frank Foster.

All-time low ... Cara Connor
Depressed Carla, played by Alison King, downs a bottle of sleeping pills with red wine.

Frank (Andrew Lancel) is arrested for the vicious attack that left her bruised and bloodied - but Carla cannot come to terms with her horrific ordeal.

When close pal Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) visits her, teary Carla declares her love for him and begs him to leave his wife Leanne again.

But he knocks her back - completing her humiliation and sparking the overdose.

A source said: "Carla is at rock bottom. She prides herself on being invincible and feels utterly broken by Frank's actions.

"Peter is the only friend she has left and she's never felt rejection like it. She wants to end it all."
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