Saturday, April 28, 2012

George Zimmerman Released From Florida Jail: Photo Of Bloodied Head May Have Helped Secure His Release

George Zimmerman was released around midnight Sunday from a Florida county jail on $150,000 bail as he awaits his second-degree murder trial for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin.

The neighborhood watch volunteer was wearing a brown jacket and blue jeans and carrying a paper bag. He walked out following another man and didn't look over at photographers gathered outside. He then followed the man into a white BMW vehicle and drove away.

Moments before, two Seminole County sheriff's vehicles blocked access to the intake building parking lot where Zimmerman was being released. Zimmerman emerged after two public information officers confirmed the credentials of the photographers outside.

No questions were shouted at Zimmerman, and he gave no statement.

His ultimate destination is being kept secret for his safety and it could be outside Florida.

Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester said at a hearing Friday he cannot have any guns and must observe a 7 p.m.-to-6 a.m. curfew. Zimmerman also surrendered his passport.

Zimmerman had to put up 10 percent, or $15,000, to make bail. His father had indicated he might take out a second mortgage.

Well, to be honest, I do not know what to believe; however, what I do know for certain is that Trayvon, who was also 11 years younger than Zimmerman, was unarmed...hence, why did he shoot him? Please click on the links below to read previous stories on this case:

Channel 4 News: Zimmerman Charged

Channel 4 News: Zimmerman Apologises To Trayvon's Parents