Sunday, February 12, 2012

Joseph Benjamin, Lynxxx & Chris Attoh For Genevieve Magazine, February 2012 Edition.

"On the February cover of GENEVIEVE MAGAZINE in living colours, looking very dapper in different versions of the ''Dinner outfit'' are 2 of the most talented, Young, Nigerian men on the entertainment scene and an award winning Ghanian Actor-Chris Attoh-the handsome, dark skinned and very impressive TV host, master of ceremonies and actor/director, he is the impressive Kwame in Tinsel. 

Lynxxx is the cool dude singer/rapper, who has had the ladies heart fluttering on over-drive, while the 3rd musketeer is equally very handsome and is a TV host par excellence- He is the cool dude with the sing-song name Joseph Benjamin.

The trio cover the 9th anniversary edition of the award winning Genevieve Magazine. And they are all wearing MAI ATAFO INSPIRED TUXEDOES.