Monday, February 13, 2012

Ties That Bind: Students Pirate Unfinished Version Of The Movie And The Producer, Leila Afua Djansi, Is Offering A 3000 GHS Reward For Any Information That Will Lead To Their Arrest And Conviction.

Leila Afua Djansi, the producer of the movie, Ties That Bind, is incensed at the dastardly act of some disrespectful criminals students who pirated her movie, and rightly so. She also fingered Silverbird Cinemas as the main culprits who leaked the movie to these criminals students. Here is what she posted on her Facebook wall regarding the incident:

You people always complain about corruption in gov. Then you turn around, especially you students of the so called tertiary institutions and pirate movies. Then you graduate and you want a job? When you destroy the small scale industries that could employ you, you want a job?

Some clown will soon come on my wall and say piracy happens everywhere. War happens everywhere, so let there be war. Natural disasters happen everywhere so let there be one, so does armed robbery, corruption and other vices.

Tomorrow, 5 legon students will be arrested. I am giving a reward of 3000ghc to anyone who can get me the names, numbers and halls of just 5 knust students pirating an unfinished version of ties that bind which was leaked by silverbird cinemas. Yes, silverbird cinemas. For the next 6months, I'm going to make some heads roll. Your identity will be protected. Be a patriotic citizen and make yourself some money. Stay tuned cos the drama is about to start. I knew I was going to catch someone one day.

Hmmm...monkey dey work, baboon dey chop!!! I hope these animals students get caught and are made an example of. Piracy is a crime and should not be tolerated. Nuff said!!!