Sunday, May 27, 2012

Desmond Hatchett (aka 'octodad'), Previously Reported To Have Fathered 30 Kids With 11 Women, Actually Only Has 24; Unable To Pay Child Support Because He Has Been Incarcerated Since 2009. (Watch Video)

More details have emerged about 'octodad', Desmond Hatchett, 33, a native of Knoxville - Tennesse, who became something of a local champion 'celebrity' in 2009, after he allegedly fathered 30 children with 11 women and set a Knox County record for his ability to reproduce. Nine of those children were born in the last three years and at the time, Hatchett  vowed, "I'm done!"  in a TV interview, saying he wouldn't father more children. 

Desmond Hatchett became 'newsworthy' again last week, after news about him not paying child support, filtered out, causing a huge outrage. 

Well, according to CNN's Brooke Baldwin, Hatchett, in actuality, only has 24 children and the reason he has been unable to pay child support in the past few years, is because he has been incarcerated since 2009 and won't be released until 2014. 

Watch the video below for full details: