Monday, May 28, 2012

Will Smith Tells David Letterman Why He 'Slapped' Reporter Who Tried To Kiss Him On The Mouth: "They said, 'we're sorry it's just he's schtick.' And I said, 'well that's why his ass got schtuck"! (Watch Videos)

Did you watch the funny, but weird, video of Will Smith giving a reporter a gentle warning brush 'slap' for trying to kiss him on the mouth? If not, here is a brief report on the incident, as narrated by Vibe: 

Perhaps the most entertaining highlight of last week was the report and video of actor, Will Smith, 'slapping' a reporter in the face for trying to kiss him. Not only was it's timing perfect (Men in Black 3 hits theaters this Friday), but it was just even more amusing to watch someone of his stature lose his cool.

Smith stopped by David Letterman and the two discussed what exactly happened:."They said, 'we're sorry it's just he's schtick.' And I said, 'well that's why his ass got schtuck"!

Source: Vibe

Lmao!!! It really was awkward...maybe it was a publicity stunt on the reporter's part cos I don't geddit. That wasn't even a real slap was more of a 'back off' warning. lol! People can be so dramatic. 

Watch Will's interview clip with David Letterman below:
And if you missed the 'kiss n' slap" video, watch it below: